Patterdale - Arrival
From the deep south we came. Some of us arrived mid-afternoon by train and bus. One arrived by train, and then on foot from Penrith - all of fifteen miles! Some came quite late by train and bus. Two came by car - quite a few hours along the motorways. We met up in "The White Lion" in Patterdale for a natter about our plans for our last Autumn break before the clocks went back, and also for an initial taste of Cumberland fare and ales.

Our YHA hostel, close to the bus terminus, was built in a sort of 60s Scandinavian style and has a fair bit of history attached ...

... as this mini poster tells us.
Short Walk towards Place Fell
As one of the "early birds", I thought I'd do some modest exploration. So I walked part way up towards Place Fell. The weather was dry and reasonably sunny. It was a good opportunity to get the crunch of Lakeland slate under my feet, and also to savour some of the autumn tints, which were to be one of the attractions of our autumn away break. Of course, there was also the opportunity to take a few snaps.

The OS map leaves one in doubt as to whether this is the Goldrill Beck or the Deepdale Beck, both of whose waters merge before the flow into Ullswater. Anyway, this is the way to Boredale Hause and onward onto Place Fell (657m), whose massif towers above Patterdale.

Crossing the Beck with the unknown name, I start to get some autumn tints.

Climbing up the steep rocky path, I can see Brothers Water ahead ...

... and Ullswater behind. Two Waters from the same path.

Near Boredale Hause, there is nice landscape towards Brothers Water and the South ...

... and Place Fell looms up to the North.
Place Fell was destined to be our gale-force Saturday visit.

Going up towards Place Fell, ...

... nice views continue to unfold ...

... towards the South ...

... catching the sun when there's a gap in the clouds.

The descent was characterised by ferns and yet more ferns. Ullswater tries to hide in the right hand distance, and our hostel tries to do the same on the middle right of the picture.

And here is another view on the descent back to Patterdale.
Our First Evening
For our first evening we met in the "White Lion", in down-town Patterdale and within a stone's throws of our hostel. This was a nice to start to our extended autumn weekend and was also useful for making some tentative plans.

"The White Lion" is a thin-looking structure, whose "whiteness" marks it out in the landscape.
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